In 2013, Jill created and staged Fairmont Pacific Rim’s first fashion show, turning the hotel’s lobby into a showplace for local and global brands – Holt Renfrew, Boboli, Christine and Catherine Regehr among them – captivating a Vancouver audience, and establishing an event that became an annual ‘must attend’.

What began with a 15 metre runway, grew to include the unveiling of art and installations – works by Adad Hannah, Bocci, Versace Home and Tiffany & Co. among them.

Canadian brands became the focus in 2017. In partnership with CAFA (Canadian Arts & Fashion Awards) and its Executive Director, Vicky Milner, Canadian designers took centre stage on the runway and the ‘pop-up’ shops that followed, garnering local love and national attention.

Jill singles out Vancouver's Jason Matlo and Toronto's Alan Anderson for inspiring her love-affair with Canadian fashion and accessories. Her closet is now proudly Canadian with pieces from Catherine Regehr, Christine Lingerie and UNTTLD, along with the many designers brought to Vancouver from across the country — Paul Hardy, Lucian Matis, Di Carlo Couture, Victoria Hayes, Noni, Maram, Rock ‘n Karma and Stephan Caras.


sign up to the killeen collective here